Chris Carra
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New Projects 2024!

Is it too late to wish everyone a happy new year?


Although oddly, someone actually wished me a merry Christmas a few days ago and, midway through January, that felt a little strange. Festive, but strange.

Anyway, after a quieter end to last year, I am back working on some new projects, which I’ll outline briefly below.

Smithsonian Magazine

Firstly, coming up in spring his year, you’ll be able to read my debut article in Smithsonian Magazine, which is sold across the US and wider world.

Officially published by the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., this longstanding and highly respected magazine is perhaps the most prestigious publication in which I’ve featured.

So, to be opening the March issue with my take on an iconic American landmark fills me with pride. Stay tuned for more!

Men’s Fitness

Around the same time, I will have another article published in Men’s Fitness (UK).

Over the last few months, I have been learning about an iconic Golden Era bodybuilder and his unique and controversial training style.

So intriguing was this training style that I decided to try working out that way for eight weeks, and charted my journey for Men’s Fitness.

Featuring insight from a respected author and friend of the bodybuilder, this will be another very interesting article that I can’t wait for people to read.

Comedy Scripts

This year, I’m working on revamping some older and unfinished comedy scripts that I discovered over Christmas. Some of the content was great if I say so myself (which I unashamedly do), but it needed a little updating.

Meanwhile, I have a few ideas for a new script, which I plan to start writing over the next month or so.

Truth be told, I’m not sure exactly where I am taking these scripts when they are complete, but I’m enjoying the writing process, so it doesn’t bother me too much at this stage.


Finally, we come to books. While I’m not currently working on anything, I have a few ideas bouncing around.

Within the next few months, I am hoping to have more to say!

UPDATE: Within 12 hours of publishing this blog post, one of my publishers told me that one of my books is getting a 2024 reprint! Stay tuned for more!

Website Revamp

At the bottom of my list is a revamp of this website. It does its job, but I feel it’s a little clunky and I’m not the biggest fan of the design. I may therefore develop something more streamlined, with a fresher appearance.

However, due to the time and financial investment involved, this is not a priority at this stage.

Anyway, if you reached this far, thanks for reading. If you ever have any feedback on my work, my website, or ideas for me to explore (particularly articles that could appeal to larger magazines), then please get in touch.

Until next time…

PS. If you are looking for something else to read, check out my other website, where I discuss health and wellbeing around the world. This is a great article on The Sedentarism Epidemic (and Why ‘Exercise’ Isn’t Enough!).